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Business strategies tailored for the new normal

With the widespread of the pandemic, it left businesses closed and bankrupt. Today, the new normal is considered to be meters apart, face mask on, and sanitation once in a while. How can businesses still thrive amidst social distancing measures and regulations? Here are some business strategies that fit the new normal.

Going fully online

With lockdown periods still on and social distancing rules implemented, it is a high-risk going outside to shop in stores and malls. Thus, going fully online with your business is the best choice to still generate sales. But, how do you do this?

Starting an online presence with a help of an e-commerce platform like Shopify is the ultimate choice for an easy and hassle-free online business startup. Shopify is an e-commerce website that helps businesses grow. It can cater to both the seller and customer for a smooth business transaction. It is an ideal place to grow business since it is user-friendly.

Negotiate deals with other businesses

Businesses in the industry of restaurant and manufacturing may experience disrupt in their supply chain management with the current situation. This is because of a lack of manpower, pandemic policies, and a lack of exclusive contracts.

For instance, manufacturing companies losing suppliers that leads to disorganization of their operating process. To prevent these occurrences from happening, it is best to negotiate deals with other businesses and have these deals formally written. One thing that businesses can learn from this pandemic is allotting emergency funds and having a pandemic response preparedness plan.

Innovate and expand audience reach

With the economy vulnerable to continuously fall down, it affects all businesses. What you can do to countermeasure it from happening to your business is to innovate and expand audience reach. For example, you are the owner of a cafe and prior to the pandemic from happening, you only accept walk-ins and reservations.

Having the said options, it will limit your shop’s sales to little to none. But by innovating to be open for deliveries and pick-ups, you will gain a wider audience that excites to try your drinks and pastries.

Electronic payments for a hassle-free shopping

The level of sanitation in these situations unmatches no other. With the requirements of a face mask, face shield, gloves, PPEs, and other sorts of cleaning materials, it illustrates that any contact-to-contact action may impose a virus. This includes handling payments in person.

That is why the best strategy to implement is electronic payments for a hassle-free shopping experience. Platforms like Shopify accepts debit and credit cards to reduce personal contact. In this way, you would not need to worry about sanitizing even money.


While it is inevitable for businesses to go down or bankrupt in these trying times, such measures can be done for this action to be prevented. Overall, creating and imposing a safe online and in-person experience is the best strategy you can utilize for the interest of your customers and yourself.